For Christmas, Aunty Tami and Uncle Dave gave each of the boys a digital camera. A real camera, not a toy. A Polaroid i737. Looks like the camera in the pic, but silver.

Almost three months ago, Gunnar's camera disappeared. He was heart-broken. We turned the house upside down. We looked everywhere. The garage (scary). The yard. No camera.
I had some suspicions... I began to wonder if Gunnar was a bit young for the responsibility of such a nice camera, but he'd always taken care of it and kept it safe, as far as I'd seen. Then I began to wonder about Wyatt, though I never said anything to him. The camera disappeared about the time we changed his meds, and he was a train-wreck for awhile. Might he have "borrowed" it and misplaced it?
We looked and looked and looked. Gunnar really had no idea when he'd last used it.
We kind of gave up looking. Kerry loaned Gunnar an older digi-cam that he'd banged around for a few years, but it didn't have as many features or work nearly as well.
And I kept praying. Not every day, but often.
Fast forward to yesterday. Gramma Grasshopper stopped by and the boys were excitedly telling her about our visit to the Corn Maze on Sunday.

Cool, or what? We spent a good hour wandering around inside a cow, even (giggle, giggle) through the udder and teats. You can imagine the appeal to a bunch of boys. And it's even better after dark, with flashlights.
Anyway... Gunnar was telling Gramma all about the wonders of the Corn Maze and headed out to the van to find a little map (the photo above). He came back with a grin just about splitting his face in two, and his hands behind his back.
"Well! I didn't find the map, but I did find...
In the glove box of the van, which we obviously don't get into very often.
And it even had enough battery charge left to turn it on. Works just fine.
Gunnar wasn't irresponsible. Neither was Wyatt. The camera didn't get left outside where it would've been ruined by weather or stolen. It wasn't even really "lost". It was safe and sound, in the glove box. And guess who probably put it there.
God is good.