Grasshopper Days
For today, Monday, March 28, 2016
Chocolate doughnut with sprinkles - happy, much? |
Outside my window.. sunshine!
Naomi and Wyatt - she was so happy to see him! |
Hearing... a blessedly quiet house.
We had Naomi (my 3yo niece) with us for the last few days, and it was wonderful.
We love it when she comes, and then we love it when she goes ;D
Gunnar and I are having the afternoon OFF.
* happy sigh*
So I'm including a ton of pics of her so my bro and SIL can see what she was up to :D
She was very excited about her Happy Meal toy - a little mirror (no actual makeup) - and was inspecting the "owie" on her lip. |
Pondering... one more week of school, and then spring break.
Sort of.
Wyatt is on break this week (from the community college),
but he's house-sitting for Kerry's bro and SIL, so not around much.
Tate gets next week off from the high school,
but he'll be starting his class at the Tech College that week.
Gunnar and I will take that week as our spring break.
Reading stories with Tate. |
Praying... to make good use of my time. Seems like there's so much to do! And right now, my body and brain are a wee bit tired. Blame it on the 3yo ;D
We dyed Easter eggs. And there had to be LOTS OF PINK. |
Thankful... we had a wonderful Easter weekend,
though it was a smaller family group than usual.
I'm so very thankful for my family.
And thankful that Tate and Gunnar are getting over their colds.
Still a bit of coughing, but not like before.
Gunnar is her very special buddy. |
Wearing... like anyone cares! Sweats :D
Very proud of her Easter eggs. Don't you love that face that preschoolers make when you ask them to smile?! |
Creating... getting things back in order, after an unusual weekend.
Naomi's eggs. |
Going... kind of getting the itch to do some quilting again.
Spring break projects?
And... my eggs. |
Reading... I got a bit bogged down in The Silmarillion. It may be one of those books that I need to make a list of the main characters and their relationships. But then I say to myself,
This is a fictional history behind a fictional series of stories.
How much do I really care?
These are Gunnar's favorites, with the hemlock impressions. |
Learning... from Gunnar's (school) reading.
Tuberculosis infects probably one third of the world's population.
I had no idea.
A walk in the park. |
Looking forward to... Spring Break :D
The creek is running high - normal for spring. |
In the kitchen... chicken for dinner.
Have not thought further ahead!
I want to go back and take this photo again, focused on the bridge, or the water... not the twig in the foreground. Arrrrgh. |
In the learning room... which was temporarily Naomi's bedroom...
need to organize what we need to finish before break,
and then Crank It Out!
Love this photo, even though Gunnar isn't smiling. He really was having a good time :D |
Around the house...
We've picked up most of the "Naomi debris" - like the many forts she and Gunnar made! |
The Mother Load...
um, yah, about that.
I'll be making my Spring Break Blitz list soon.
Naomi found a fort, and NO she's not doing what you might think she's doing ;D |
Noticing that... the house sure feels different with Wyatt gone.
Naomi, ready for church, holding the picture she colored for Pastor Bert. |
Something to remember for later...
Naomi has a thing for Pastor Bert.
She's intrigued by him.
It's like being near a celebrity.
Now, to be fair,
one really shouldn't photograph people while they're eating.
It just isn't nice!
But I couldn't pass up this moment at our Easter Brunch.
Pastor Bert gave her his undivided attention and she was loving it.
So, Pastor Bert, forgive me for taking your picture when you were eating, okay?!
And thank you for your tender friendship with your little admirer :D
Chat-Chat-Chat-Chat-Chat... |
Something fun to share...
while she was waiting for the Easter egg hunt, Naomi talked Aunty Tami and Tate into going up into the treehouse with her,
and look what they found!
Little Brown Bat |
Sorry it's blurry - too dark to focus properly.
And just today
Doug Hibbard shared a link with me about treating White-Nose Syndrome in bats,
here. We had learned about the problem on a cave tour in Arkansas last year,
We were happy to teach Naomi that bats are our friends. Little Brown Bats can eat 600-100 mosquitoes every hour. We're happy to see them swooping around on summer evenings!
Up in the treehouse Grandpa made. |
A favorite quote for today...
He is risen!
He is risen indeed!
The beginning of the much-anticipated Easter egg hunt. And let me just point out that this is the PNW, where you hunt Easter eggs in your rain boots ;D |
One of my favorite things...
I love when Naomi comes to visit,
and then I love when she goes home ;D
A Bible verse...
He is not here,
He is risen,
just as He said...
She ran right past Tate SEVERAL TIMES before she noticed the egg... |
... right between his feet! |
There's a good reason she's blurry... always in motion! |
A few plans for the rest of the week...
complete our pre-break homeschool work,
Gunnar's violin lesson,
dentist appointments for Tate and Gunnar,
and I think Kerry and a couple of the boys are
going to the Seattle Museum of Flight on Saturday.
Some of Naomi's eggs had candy, some had notes. Grandpa is reading one, telling her where to look for a present. |
Found it! |
A peek into my world...
Not five minutes after our Easter egg hunt, the clouds broke open...
... rain, hail, and the temp dropped about ten degrees.
Perfect timing, or what?
We nailed it ;D
And this is today, waiting for Grandma and Grandpa to come and take her home.
Maybe she's part cat ;D |
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!