Grasshopper Days
For today, Monday, November 28, 2016
Outside my window...
baby, it's cold outside!
my friend, the furnace ;D
the lovely Thanksgiving we had.
As the kids get older the holidays are a bit more mellow and less frenetic.
There are some things I miss about the little years,
(getting clucky, anyone?)
there are things... I don't.
All the H-Y-P-E-R, for one.
Though with five very animated cousins enjoying each other's company,
it wasn't exactly a quiet day ;D
(Blame the kids, right?)
I was lazy relaxed and didn't even get out my real camera,
and barely snapped any pics with my phone.
Love these cousins.
With birds in their hair.
Wearing them in your hair?
Well, suit yourself.
Tate can stick his to the side of his head ;D
And then there was the aftermath of Thanksgiving...
the turkey-nap.
When he realized I was photographing him...
he gave me The Foot.
maybe I should stop praying for work for Kerry,
because at the moment he's swamped!
A good "problem" to have!
(Not so swamped he can't do the work, btw,
but happily busy.)
And this is a busy week at the Grasshopper house...
* all the boys are back to school,while
* Kerry is preparing for the fabulous oom-pah-pah glory that is Tuba Christmas
(you won't want to miss it! Saturday at 11am, Ferry Terminal, if you're local),
* and I have two Messiah performances, Friday and Saturday.
* we continue to pray for our friend Gerald's recovery from his amputation
* and for a safe trip home (from hunting in Colorado) for my dad.
* good times as a family
* a restful break from school
* Tate's Naida processors are still under warranty
(expensive replacement parts are on the way!)
* my sweet neighbors joined us for Thanksgiving, and in this case,
their (age-related) hearing loss is probably a boon,
as they sat on the couch and let the happy-crazy swirl around them ;D
* also, we'll forgive my dad for missing Thanksgiving,
since this happened...
(if you don't eat meat, just scroll on by)
We look forward to his always-generous sharing of the bounty!
(That's an elk, if you weren't sure.)
many many layers.
Did I mention it's cold?
the minions brought all the Christmas stuff in from the garage,
but we'll wait a little longer to get the tree.
to my last Messiah rehearsal tonight.
Love it.
Then I love when it's done.
Looking forward to...
the boys' CAP "Dining Out" is this week.
It's pretty awesome.
They're quite particular about "the grog",
a non-alcoholic punch that is served from a toilet.
There are things I am at a loss to explain.
That is one of them.
Also, let the record show that I will be
dressing up for three days in one week.
This probably sets some kind of record I had no intention of achieving.
In the kitchen...
one more day of eating leftovers (yum!)
and then if there's enough left,
turkey pot pies.
Mmmmmmmmmm :D
In the learning rooms...
Gunnar is absorbed in the complex world of the cell in his unit on Cytology,
and reading about medieval times - the feudal system, princes, and popes.
Around the house...
I'm in the mood for Christmas,
but just a few more peaks at fall
with all its warm coziness :D
Noticing that...
27 days until Christmas!
Something to remember for later...
It's not gas.
It's electric.
The circuit was not intended to support that.
Ask me how I know.
Everything's fine.
The potatoes didn't have the crispy edges we all like.
Hardly a tragedy, but you know...
The Mother Load...
starts and ends with Christmas shopping :D
A favorite quote for today...
Now it is a strange thing,
but things that are good to have
and days that are good to spend
are soon told about,
and not much to listen to...
JRR Tolkien, The Hobbit
Something fun to share...
I get out some favorite photos,
looking forward to Christmas.
Maybe 2003? Maybe 2004?
And my dad (on the right) and my uncle Mick, mid '40s I suppose!
They look so stoic.
Mick even looks a bit sad!
One of my favorite things...
this ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS elf Tate made in the first grade.
The ears... the fingers...
the teeny-tiny legs...
the whole elf package...
A Bible verse...
Since ancient times no one has heard,
no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides You,
who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.
It's the waiting, though...
that's the hard part.
A peek into my world...
snow on Wickersham :D