Monday, January 2, 2012

Grasshopper Days

Grasshopper Days

For today, January 2, 2012

Outside my window...  bare branches, busy squirrels, and cold, gray skies.

I am thinking...  about encouraging kind and respectful words between brothers.

I am thankful for...  family, Christmas, fun, joy, and getting back into routine :D

I am praying for...  my future niece or nephew (!), the exciting plan unfolding for my friends in Arizona, work for Kerry, and healing for Stephanie, Dominic, and Wes.

I am wearing...  navy blue sweater, blue jeans, wool socks and slippers.  I know, I know, I'm in high demand by the fashion industry.  *eyes roll*

I am creating...  I'd like to get to some sewing, but first must create space.  Grrrr....

I am going...  to do it.  To tidy my hideaway.  Again.  Yah.  After school.  My office is ridiculous.  It's a breeding ground for clutter.  Why???

I am reading...  Hold on to Your Kids, by Gordon Neufeld.  Yes, he over-attributes (EVERYTHING) to attachment issues, but there is lots to think about here.  I'll probably share more when I finish.

I am hoping...  the boys get back into the groove smoothly.  You know, wake up the math brains, etc.

I am hearing...  the dryer beeping (just finished a load), and Wyatt should be about to call me, to give him more instruction with his grammar.

I am remembering...  the Mother Load.  It never goes away.

From the learning rooms...  finishing The Sign of the Beaver and about to start Captured with Tate and Gunnar, Wyatt reading Slopes of War and Tom Sawyer for history; Gunnar - geometric solids, Tate - order of operations and fractions, Wyatt - mid-term review of Jacob's Algebra; Gunnar - fish, Tate - erosion, Wyatt - properties of water; and plugging along with writing, Logic, and other bits and pieces.

From the kitchen...  oh bliss.  I got a bread machine for Christmas (thanks mom and dad!) and the lovely smell of honey-wheat bread is wafting through the house.  Gunnar has requested tomato soup to have with it for lunch :D

Around the house...  blue, white, silver, sparkly, snowflakes, candles... love it.  I'll get some pictures soon :D

Something I want to remember...  Gunnar - and the other boys, but especially Gunnar - content and joyful, saying, "This Christmas was the best one ever!"  And it is, yes it is.

On my mind...  choosing a Bible reading plan for the new year, and getting the boys on board with some kind of plan - either as a family or individually?  Not sure yet.

Noticing that...  I think Wyatt grew over Christmas break.  Got up one morning and realized we were looking at each other eye-to-eye.  Yikes!

Pondering these words... 

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.

Good words for a new year, yah?

One of my favorite things...  a fresh page on the calendar.

A few plans for the rest of the week...  hmmm, not too much, so far.  Wyatt and Tate have CAP tomorrow evening.  And a couple of errands - I need to take Tate to the library to research a history paper he's working on, and Gunnar wants to buy a Lego kit with his Christmas money.  Looks good to me :D

Here is a picture I am sharing... 

... because nothing says Christmas like weapons ;D
But isn't he handsome in his new glasses?


dlefler said...

I am SO far behind on blogs - I really did take a blog-cation, lol! Merry Christmas (belated) and a Happy New Year. I need to get more blue and silver decorations - I have most of the Christmas things put away and the house looks so bare!

I love Sign of the Beaver - it was one of my favorite children's books (along with My Side of the Mountain and Island of the Blue Dolphins). And The Cay. Happy reading (and learning)!

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Yes! I love those books! Especially The Cay. I read it to the boys years and years ago. I should get that one again.

The Hibbard Family said...

I'm with you on the sewing and space creation - and the work space collecting clutter. Grrrr....

Choate Family said...

Have you tried reading through a chronological Bible? My daughter read through the Bible last year using my copy, but I got it back for this year!

The dB family said...

Mmmm, glad to read abour life resuming its normal pace. It is still Christmas break here. I have a cold and am fighting the blues, so things are certainly not on a normal keel here. I'm glad and encouraged to read that somewhere someone's is. Oh, and if you're a fashion plate, I'm right in there with you! You should see my stunning outfit today.

Blessings to you all!