Grasshopper Days
For today, Monday, October 7, 2013
Outside my window... a blustery day. Y'know, but for a couple of gorgeous days last week, it kind of feels like we went straight from summer into winter this year. I'm missing the beautiful fall colors I love, so I'm sprinkling in a few pics from previous years, just to give myself that cozy fall feeling :D
Virginia Creeper, over the neighbors garage. |
Hearing... the seemingly ever-present sound of the laundry spinning. I know, I know, it's not going all the time, but it seems like it. Especially since it's so loud!
Pondering... how nice it is that the boys are the age they are. My dad took them out shooting on Friday and then to an early dinner. Kerry and I took advantage of the opportunity to use the last of a Christmas gift card and go out to dinner ourselves. And they got home before us, let themselves into the house, and were fine without us. It's a good place to be.
Praying... for work for Kerry... an ever-present theme. We're considering some unusual possibilities.
Thankful... I made these brownies over the weekend, and although mine weren't as pretty they were mighty tasty ;D I think they'd be even better with cream cheese in place of the butter in the filling. I'd better make them again, just to be sure. Don't you think?
Wearing... jeans, warm socks, and layers, my friend, layers! And a cardigan I got at the oh-so-epic Value Village, and love :D
Creating... crafty plans.
Going... to take Wyatt to the orthodontist... fun times. And soup for dinner ;D
Reading... at Gunnar's request, Leepike Ridge, by N.D. Wilson.
Wishing the backyard looked like this today... |
Looking forward to... rehearsal tonight, at least once we get there. This time of year when it gets dark early and the weather is cold and wet, well... there's a lot of inertia to overcome in order to go anywhere in the evening. I'd love to stay home with a hot cup of tea, my fall candles burning, and a good book or a project. Doesn't that sound nice?
Hard to leave such a cozy home! |
In the kitchen... so thankful for leftover stew in the freezer for tonight's dinner. Maybe I'll make bread or rolls, or assign Tate to make Bisquik cheese biscuits (which he loooooves). And with Wyatt and I going to be gone in the evening, dinner is really a late lunch... one of the bennies of the flexibility of homeschooling :D
In the learning rooms... Wyatt works so independently now I hardly know what he's doing. Studying the constitution I understand, but his chemistry? Way beyond me. Tate is loving his American History studies (Sonlight!) and soaks in all the books that go along with it. He's graphing equations by finding the x and y intercepts, conjugating the past and present participle form of verbs, and perking along through his physical science. Gunnar always wants to read ahead with his ancient history books (also Sonlight) so I have to find extra reading to keep him busy. He's learning about the measure of angles in shapes, complementary and supplementary angles, identifying subjects and verbs in interrogative and inverted sentences, and will be cooking up several experiments this week.
Around the house... rain splattered on most of the windows, blankets scattered for wrapping up in when we sit still to read, and books, books, and more books.
The Mother Load... I was on a roll this weekend. I actually...
* prepared for the school week
* got caught up on the laundry (a temporary "win", but satisfying nonetheless)
* corrected Wyatt's schoolwork and US Gov test (91%)
* cleaned and rearranged the family room to host a youth-group movie night
* did the mending (two pairs of pants, a sweater, and a pair of shorts)
* made brownies for the youth-group
* made cabbage salad for the birthday party, and
* practiced some of the Messiah music.
And caught up in the satisfaction of crossing things off the list I almost washed and waxed the kitchen floor, but stopped myself just in time. (I know, what kind of sense does that make?) Well, because - hellOOO - the youthgroup was coming here for dinner after going on a hike. I mean, these are good kids, not savages. But group-of-teens + post-hike + pizza-koolaid-brownies = clean the floor after, not before. So instead, I read a book. The floor will still be a mess tomorrow.
Something to remember for later... yesterday didn't go quite as planned. We intended to all go to church together and then up to my parents' for a family gathering to celebrate three October birthdays. Instead, Wyatt and Tate got called out with the SAR to look for a missing hiker and were picked up and gone before Kerry, Gunnar and I even got out the door.
![]() |
Wyatt on the right, and Tate in the center. |
I don't mean to sound blase about the missing person; other teams continued to search. But I'm glad Wyatt and Tate were able to do their part and join the party while everyone was still there. (Also, there's a hint of question about what the guy was actually doing... er... looking for out in the woods - *ahem-fungus-ahem*, and if he may have found what he was looking for and not wanted to share with his companions, or???)
Something fun to share... we had all four new babies in church yesterday... talk about a joyful noise!
A favorite quote for today... I will give up every material possession that I own because I know that I can't get to heaven, pulling my little red wagon full of all my things. But maybe, with the grace of God, I can get there with my children. - Diane Ferrell
One of my favorite things... hot cocoa breaks with Gunnar on cold, rainy days. But wait, this is a game-changer...
with toasted marshmallows.
You want one. You know you do. Go make it now.
A Bible verse... Proverbs 14:4
Where no oxen are the manger is clean,
but much increase comes by the strength of the ox.
You'd swear a woman wrote some of the Proverbs...
A few plans for the rest of the week... the usual... Messiah rehearsal, CAP, schoolwork, and more. And a good friend coming to stay this weekend :D
A peek into my world... well, my world doesn't quite look like this. But I'm holding on to the memories ;D
I've got to stop visiting your Daybook while at work. I get so hungry! That Hot Chocolate and brownie is to die for! Well, not really but almost that good looking! I don't know that we will have any beautiful colors in missouri either. we have had very little moisture the past 30 days. We may go from green to brown over night! I feel the same way about the shorter days and cooler nights. I don't want to leave and do anything outside the house! :) Enjoyed yet another visit to your home!
Oh, where is my mental file box? must remember to suggest toasting the marshmallows/hot chocolate! And those brownies? Clicking and printing now.
Gorgeous fall color via your photo memories :-) I'm just happy to look at a little green again after our little bit of rain here... even if it's just the weeds. {sigh}
Your home sounds just exactly right! Lots of books, good music, good food, and family. Could I come over for a visit?
Yes, I want those brownies. Yes, the cream cheese is brilliant - that's how I'll make them. But, no, I'm not going right now to make that hot chocolate. I'll send you my muggy warmth in exchange for your cool and then revisit the idea! :-)
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