Monday, May 19, 2014

Grasshopper Days

Grasshopper Days

For today, Monday, May 19, 2014

Outside my window...  clouds in the sky and clouds of dogwood blossoms out my window, a few sprinkles of rain, a cooler day.

Hearing...  the birds.  I love listening to the birds.

Pondering...  our summer calendar... already filling up.

Praying...  for everyone in the house to work diligently and efficiently, when it's so tempting to slack off this time of year.

Thankful...  Wyatt spent a fabulous weekend doing this...

You can find him if you know where to look - sort of centered under the sail on the left, standing alone, in dark shirt.  He loved it.  More pics later.

Wearing...  blue jeans, navy t-shirt (maybe need some long sleeves today), socks and my crocs (slippers).

Creating...  a plan of attack of the garden.  We'd better act quickly if there's any hope!

Going...  to pick up Wyatt from school and then be HOME.  Everybody home, getting stuff done.

Looking forward to...  next week Tate gets his new processors.  We have to remind ourselves that it will be a transition for both ears.  Things will undoubtedly sound different even in the ear that's already used to the CI with new processors - new technology.

In the kitchen...  pork chops for tonight :D

In the learning rooms...  Gunnar has already finished his language/grammar book and Tate is right on his heels.  Tate will be finishing his math and his science this week, and Gunnar finishes science next week (or this week, if we work ahead a little).  They both have a few books left to read for history, but they love reading, so that's no chore.

Around the house...  I'm not the only one who likes change.  Gunnar wants to rearrange the living room and has made a plan with my little paper models, but I told him we have to wait on that.  We're having another Naomi visit next weekend and we use the couch to block access to the big cracked window.  So no moving furniture until A.V. (After Visit).

I've made little scale drawings of most of the rooms in the house, and cut out scale models (just flat rectangles) that are our furniture so we can try things out on paper before actually moving things.  Crazy? Practical?  Does anyone else do this?  I started when we had our first house, with a TINY bedroom - 9'4" by 9'8".  I was trying to figure out how we could fit things in there.  It started out as a cozy little nursery - just perfect for a crib, changing table, little dresser, and a toy box.  But the family grew...  we swapped for awhile and used it for the master bedroom.  But then we fit three boys in there.  Bunk beds, crib, two dressers... but the changing table had to go out in the hallway.

We moved.  The end.

The Mother Load... 
*  the garden is weighing heavily on my mind - those weeds, they torment me.
*  must get Tate and Gunnar both registered for Cascade Falcon Encampment (paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork!)
*  must cull through Wyatt's homeschool work and figure out what he's caught up on and what he's... not
*  try new bread recipe
*  go through piles of paperwork in office
*  get Wyatt over to the community college to register for next year
*  spray for deer around our yard (oh, the stink!)
*  take another load to Goodwill to finally finish my 40 bags in (more than) 40 days
*  get boys to try on shorts for summer (what do they have, what do they need)
*  get fresh fruit and veggies
*  carry on.  And on.  And on.  *sigh*

Noticing that... the clutter is breeding again *bigger sigh*

Something to remember for later...  hearing Naomi on the phone saying, "Wuv-oo Ju-wee" :D

Something fun to share...  Tate DID get chosen to work at Cascade Falcon!  I'm so proud of him!  Apparently a lot more cadets apply to work than they can choose, but (working in Tate's favor), I think more of them want positions on the command side (flight and drill sergeants), than the support side (D-Fac/dining facility, logistics, public affairs, mission staff, etc.)  Tate got his first choice - logistics.

A favorite quote for today...  Tate and Gunnar were visiting friends yesterday and got to see one of the bunnies we gave away last summer.  Remember Fluff-Daddy?

Who *ahem* turned out to be Mrs. Fluff-daddy, and has been re-named.  They came home, excited to tell me...

Mom!  We saw The Bunion!

Or is it The Bunyan?

Not sure how they spell it, but funny either way!

One of my favorite things...  FINISHING things.  Like school ;D

A Bible verse... 
Let us not become weary in doing good,
for at the proper time
we will reap a harvest
if we do not give up.  

A few plans for the rest of the week...  plodding along through our homeschool work, a plan of attack for the garden (sunnier days coming), CAP, jobs at the Speedway, and a Naomi weekend :D

A peek into my world...  well, not exactly MY world...  My brother Dave took this photo of his office building in Bellevue (near Seattle).  Isn't it cool?!


Unknown said...

My garden (a 15' x 15' box) is a weedy mess, too. Every year I wish for a rototiller, but then I tell myself---no, I have two strapping boys (and a girl with a lot of energy). THEY should be my rototillers. :)

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Yes! Fortunately, we get to use the neighbor's rototiller as part of the garden deal, but... she has a lot of perennials in there - roses, lilies, raspberries - that we have to carefully work around. I'm going to pick up an end-roll from the newspaper this week to spread between the rows - hope that will help!

But, oh, the rototiller... it's a dream come true :D Breaks up all the chunks.

Wilma said...

We have a small garden and have a big heavy tiller and no kids left at home. We bought a small Mantis earlier this spring with an easy start feature. The garden has been tilled once with the big tiller, so it's time to get the little one going now. The trees are green to the top of the mountain where we live, so it's time to plant tomatoes and cucumbers!

Monica said...

Good afternoon Grasshoppers! I'm kind of dizzy right now from looking at the picture!
Isn't it crazy how quickly our summers fill up!? Especially when your kids attend public school and have such a short break!
I'm sure Wyatt had a great time. Can't wait to see those picture!
No I have never layed out my floor plan like that but it sounds like a great idea! Our master bedroom isn't very big. It is even worse that one entire wall is outside window, the other bathroom door, the third closets and there is also an outside door on the fourth wall! So hard to rearrange!
Great encouraging verse today! Something that I need to be reminded of. I have been so weary lately! Push push push! When are folks every going to learn to go at it alone with the Lord?! Oh well, thanks for the reminder! :)
Hope your day was successful!

melanie said...

I'm still amazed by Wyatt's recent 'field trip' on the water!
Also a very cool photo from your brother.

EnJOY your weekend with little Cindy Lou Who!