Thursday, May 24, 2018

Grasshopper Days

Grasshopper Days

For today, Thursday, May 24, 2018

Outside my window...  cottonwood snow, can you see it?

It looks a bit like a fairy-land at times.

Thinking...  the boys are turning into men, right before my eyes, but still...

... moments of goofiness.
The "Bro-hirrim" doing dishes.

You'd have to be a LOTR nerd to get that...

Praying...  for good attitudes about an upcoming room-swap.

Thankful... we had a great weekend away - pics coming soon - with the Grasshopper Five and Grandpa and Grandma Grasshopper.

Creating... looking through a new quilt book and dreaming of different projects!

Going... next door, to my neighbors', to "push Ralph's button".
It's time for his once-a-month test of his
"help-I've-fallen-and-I-can't-get-up" button.

For real.

I know, try to control your envy of this exciting life I lead.

Looking forward to...  the end of the school year is sooooo close!

In the kitchen... marinating some pork to grill tonight.

Around the house... the boybarians got all the screens back on (windows and doors) so we can have All The Fresh Air blowing through.

Noticing that... I often walk the same route in the morning, and try to take a picture at this spot every time - fun to watch the changes, day to day.

The Mother Load... fits on one page again.
So, success, right?

A favorite quote for today...
Gunnar and I are reading/discussing through Kevin De Young's Just Do Something.
The writer of the foreword says something to the effect that the book will smack you upside the head once or twice...
"But you'll be better for the smack."
Having read the book before...

Need a gift idea for a high school or college grad?
Get them Just Do Something.
It's a winner.

One of my favorite things... the days that all the boys are out of the house.
Is that awful?
I LOVE the boys.
I love being with them.
And I've loved homeschooling them
for the last eleven or twelve years.
But the few hours (every other week) when the schedules align,
and they're all out, going and doing at once...
it's pretty awesome.

A peek into my world... here's a preview from our weekend getaway!

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