FOR TODAY February 2, 2009
Outside My Window... cold gray skies, squirrels climbing all around the bare dogwood tree, and my boys running laps around the house (“however old you are, give me that many laps”).
I am thinking... sad, worried thoughts that aren’t fit to print.
I am thankful for... healthy boys :0)
From the learning rooms... Bubonic Plague – not literally, we’re studying it in history this week. (The boys are intrigued!) We’ve shaded in our maps, to show the spread over five years time, and have our chapter summaries to write. We’ll be picking up a few books at the library later today.
From the kitchen... yikes. What to do for dinner. I made the boys hot-dogs for lunch and ate one myself (oh gross) because I really wanted something warm.
I am wearing... Dark jeans, blue sweater (with another layer underneath), thick socks, and slippers.
I am creating... nothing at the moment. I stopped working on the “OCD Quilt” after finishing piecing the top. I’m not enjoying it, don’t like the colors/fabrics, and don’t have the batting to quilt it.
Here’s the “OCD” part – I bought a collection of vintage (reproduction) fabric a couple of years ago. Most of it just sings to me and looks very “happy” together, but there was one cluster of fabrics/colors that didn’t seem to go with the rest. So I felt I should use that up first, before using the “fun” fabric! Crazy, I know…
And I’ve wanted to make a large (bed-size) Irish Chain but wanted to try out the pattern, first. So this (baby-quilt-size) top only has 9 “blocks” – five chain blocks and four more plain blocks. It’s actually a triple chain. I do like the way the pattern looks, but what a lot of seams to match up! Aaack! Now I know that I can wait a long time (maybe forever?) before trying to make one big enough for my bed!
I am going... to Moms In Touch, the library, and the consignment store – Gunnar has grown out of nearly all his pants. Looks like he’s waiting for the proverbial flood.
I am reading... “Only Nuns Change Habits Over Night”. I won a book from De’Etta’s blog! It’s a pretty light read – sort of a Christian-lite motivational book.
I am hoping... for a change (for the better).
I am hearing... the furnace blowing, and thinking I should probably turn it down.
Around the house... boys and their toys.
One of my favorite things... the delicious smell of a candle my cousin gave me for Christmas – it smells exactly like warm, buttery, cinnamon rolls!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Wyatt will have a tooth pulled tomorrow. Ugh. Prayers are welcome.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Wyatt drew this picture of birds discovering a new suet block.

I LOVE the picture!!!!
Love the trick of running laps of your age!! Will have to try that ;)
Thanks :0)
The running laps, by the way, is not a punishment, but just to get the wiggles out!
I love Wyatt's picture!! I also love the smell of cinnamon rolls!! That candle would be amazing!!!
Thanks for sharing your Daybook! The running laps thing made me laugh because I do something similar when my kids get too wiggly or when we've been cooped up for awhile.
Cheers from Nebraska! :)
That's a great picture- Wyatt's quite the artist! Bubonic plague ought to be interesting to study- I've heard that "Ring Around the Rosie" is about the plague, but I don't know if that is really true or not.
Yum to cinnamon rolls!
Our history curriculum refers to that song also. It probably refers to the bubonic plague.
Ring around the rosie
- the red rash
Pocket full of posies
- the flowers/herbs people carried around to hide the smell and (they hoped) ward off the disease
Ashes, ashes
- used to be a-tishoo, a-tishoo, like a sneeze
We all fall down
- and die.
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