Monday, May 30, 2016


I decided it was time.

Next fall Wyatt (I hope!) will be in his last quarter of college,
Tate will be starting college, and
Gunnar will be half-time at the high school and only homeschooling half-time.
And Gunnar will be (mostly) working independently,
with me just guiding and helping.
Lord willing.

So I moved a small bookshelf upstairs and started sorting out what
Gunnar and I will still need for the next two years.
It's not a lot.

And I've been organizing and pricing most of the rest.

The school room shelves looked like this:

And my office floor looked like this...

Two Sonlight History Cores

Another Sonlight History Core, and books...
PILES of books

I started organizing the piles by subject... 

And finally put them all in tubs, by subject.
My office looked like a store!
(And why did I not get any photos of that stage?)

With Kerry out of town,
I was reluctant to use craigslist,
so I put some things on facebook,
hoping my local homeschooling friends would help spread the word.

Oh boy, did they ever!

One connected me with a local homeschool buy-sell-trade-give
closed facebook group.

Boom, baby.

We are about five hundred bucks closer to Fiddle Camp,
and all those piles of books, and shelves of things are down to this:

Three shelves of things for sale,
and the bottom shelf of freebies :D



melanie said...

Julie, I've always thought that you are such a good 'boy' mom, but today it occurs to me that you are a military genius: Mission Successful. :D

Happy fiddling, Gunnar!

Sara McD said...

I agree with melanie!