Monday, November 15, 2010

Simple Woman 11-15-10

For today, November 15, 2010.

Outside my window...  a soggy, mucky driveway and a soggy, wet yard, full of soggy, wet leaves.  Hoping they'll all dry enough for the boys to rake them up.

I am thinking...  how much we take for granted, related to a book I've been reading.

I am thankful for...  Kerry has gotten some more work - an answer to prayer!

And another answer to prayer... I'd been praying about friends for the boys, since some of ours seem to be increasingly busy lately, making it hard to get together.  

First I ran into an "old" friend from a previous church.  She just started homeschooling and is looking to get connected with moms and kids.  And she has boys the ages of Tate and Gunnar, as well as a girl.  We're getting together on Wednesday for doughnuts and a park day - weather permitting - or playing here, if it's too wet.

Next, new neighbors showed up on our doorstep!  A pastor and his wife and three kids have moved in across the street.  They also have boys the ages of Tate and Gunnar, and a younger girl.

And yes, I noticed that Wyatt doesn't have anyone new his age, but he's enjoying the other boys too.

I am praying for... missionaries.  One we just met yesterday, heading to Papua New Guinea to use his accounting skills for the Lord.  Does that sound funny?  But how cool is that - the Lord can use all kinds of people and skills.  And when a mission agency has (how many?  did he say 400?) missionaries in a country, somebody has to keep track of the money.

And our missionary friends in Zambia, who just killed a Black Mamba on their front porch.   Gives me the shivers.  I told him I'm praying Psalm 91:13-14 for them.

I am wearing...  blue jeans.  t-shirt.  sweater.  Ta-daa.

I am creating...  secrets :D

I am going...  to do more reading, to try to get my Christmas shopping done by the end of this month, and to sprout wings and fly.

Hoping for two out of three.

I am reading...  Evidence Not Seen, by Darlene Deibler Rose.  She and her husband were young missionaries in Indonesia (Celebes?) and were taken captive by the Japanese during WWII.
Get this from your library and read it.
And be thankful.

I am hoping...  to bound out of bed, full of energy and enthusiasm, every morning at 6.  Or 6:30.  Because, you know, that comes so naturally to me... especially these cold, damp, dark mornings.

I am hearing...  quiet.  Too quiet...  (If you have boys, you'll know what I mean.)

I am remembering...  the year I was expecting Tate he was due in November.  I'd had an easy delivery with Wyatt and hoped for same with Tate, but just in case things went otherwise, I had all my Christmas shopping done by October.

That may have been the best Christmas ever.

And have I ever repeated that feat?  No.
But do I hope to?  Yes.
At least by the end of November, yah?
Because then I'm free to focus on the important stuff.

From the learning rooms... pioneers and the Oregon Trail, fragments and run-on sentences, General Custer, finding % of a number, tornadoes, Geronimo, punctuating quotations, Andrew Carnegie, figuring compound interest, and Proverbs for young friends.

From the kitchen...  probably leftovers - taquitos, rice and beans.

Around the house...  Tate's birthday "booty" is still out and needs to be put away.  Otherwise, I'm enjoying my fall decorations and candles ;D

On my mind...  why do I forget to ask God for help with things?
When He helps us so abundantly and continually!

Noticing that...  Wyatt is a different creature when he's around boys than when he's around men.

Pondering these words...  

Having children is like having a bowling alley installed in your brain.
Martin Mull

One of my favorite things...  finishing a quilt.

A few plans for the rest of the week...  Messiah rehearsal, driving to my brother's with my mom, meeting our friends for doughnuts, possibly a PTO day but the schedule is unclear, in-laws coming into town for the weekend, and looking forward to Thanksgiving :D

Here is a picture I am sharing...  

About the time we started homeschooling, the boys created Dino-opolis.
Here are its humble beginnings, which the boys refer to as...
 ... The Cone Age.


The dB family said...

Hooray for more work for Kerry! I was just praying about that yet this morning. Hooray for new friends too!

I had my Christmas preparations all done by Novemember once too. Squirt was due December 15 and I didn't want to be overdue and shopping or baking or anything else. That was a very good, very relaxing Christmas. I'm aiming for the end of November this year, but somehow, I think the baking will go well into December -- unless the builder takes my kitchen away :oS.

Love books that make you think and remind us how blessed we really are!

Cone age! Lol!! Very cool!

May your day be filled with many blessings!

Felicity said...

I love 'The Cone Age'!! And i know all about black mambas!! Although I've never seen one (thankfully) it's something we're always aware of (well, when we're out of the city that is...) We lived on a plot a few years back, and it was always my greatest fear that either the kids or I would come across a mamba or a puffadder.
An extra piece of randomness - a pharmacist near here makes his own colic remedy for babies - it's known as 'green mamba' and is supposedly very effective!

melanie said...

Oh, Julie ~ Your daybooks are such a source of smiles! =) =) =)

Laughing at the quote (or cringing)... and the Cone Age. Your boys have your delightful sense of humor obviously =)

I think we have the Darlene Rose book ~ my daughter thought it was excellent!

Praising God with you for the new work and playmates ~ girls even ~ Sergeant Wyatt might need to add some 'rescue of the damsel in distress' into the playbook?

Have a great week!

leah said...

A black mamba on the doorstep! Yikes! I am so glad we have very few poisonous creatures in our neck of the woods (there are some copperheads down toward Pennsylvania). Mostly, we just deal with bears!

I have to check out that book. I'm always looking for something new to read, and I like reading books that make me feel thankful in November.

Maybe a friend for Wyatt will show up soon- but then again, he's pretty close in age to the other kids!

By the way, your Messiah performance every year reminded me of this very awesome "random" culture moment at the Macy's in New York:

Jena Webber said...

The CONE age!! Too much. Yes, praise the Lord for work for Kerry. I love the way you write the simple woman posts.. very well done. Thanks.