Monday, January 17, 2011

Grasshopper Days 1-17-11

Grasshopper Days

For today, January 17, 2011

Outside my window...  a rare moment that it is not raining.  *sigh*

I am thinking...  there are always more things I want to do than there is time to do them.

I am thankful for...  family, friends, a check we were worried about came in Saturday's mail, and a new (to me) camera!

I am praying for...  good friends, traveling back to Zambia tomorrow with their five girls.

I am wearing...  jeans, white t-shirt, blue thermal shirt, navy crocs (my 'slippers').

I am creating...  have plans for the next quilt, but haven't begun it yet.  I had just cleaned and tidied my office when - seemingly - a tornado came through.  How does this happen?  So fast?!

I am going...  to reinstate our daily schedule, with tasks-to-be-done before each meal.
2 Thessalonians 3:10

I am reading...  Notes from a Small Island.

I am hoping...  the weather holds.  We're hoping to pour concrete tomorrow.  Well, we've been hoping that since before Christmas, but what with typical weather (too cold, or too wet) we've had to delay.  Would be nice to get this project done :D

I am hearing...  it makes me nervous when I don't hear the boys...

I am remembering...  life before the internet.

From the learning rooms...  adding and subtracting fractions, appositives,
proto-, prin- and pri-,
area, circumference, and pi,
 center of gravity,
and I can't remember what else is on the agenda.

From the kitchen...  bread is rising and the crock-pot is crocking.  Or potting.  Or whatever it does.
Pork roast, potatoes, and carrots.

Around the house...  snowflake decorations,
(hey, if there's none outside, we can try inside!),
blue, white, silver, and sparkly.

On my mind...  so much to be thankful for,
being content with what we have (which is more than plenty),
and how fast the boys are growing.

Pondering these words...  a friend mentioned a poem her friend sent her.
Love this line...
a settling of wayward thoughts.
Don't know about you, but that's something I could usually do with.

One of my favorite things...  a tidy, orderly house.

A few plans for the rest of the day...  just a bit more schoolwork to do, laundry to fold,
and my parents and another couple coming for dinner.

Here is a picture I am sharing...
I don't have an interface cable for my 'new' camera yet, (ordered one),
so no new pics.
But in case you missed it,
guess who?

Winston Churchill!

With his creator...

... on a beautiful day last week.


melanie said...

I got sidetracked with your friend's blog ... I like the poem and the line you quoted. =)

If you read today's post, you will guess how this mom's daily routine is going here... Self-discipline? :-\

Hope you are having a grand time with your dinner party tonight!

Felicity said...

I also have more to do than what I have time for...
I love the photos, the tree looks so pretty.
Pork roast sounds good - enjoy it!!

The dB family said...

Your life sounds so much, well, like life. I like it!! Blessings to you, my friend!


Choate Family said...

I would love to know what kind of camera you got - exciting stuff!

sara said...

Julie, I wear navy crocs as slippers too! I love that I can just wash them off when I step in something icky. :)