Tuesday, February 22, 2011

An Update, and Gunnar's Notes

 It's Tuesday evening. 

I'm reminding myself what day it is because once again I'm discombobulated.  Seems like Monday.  Or something.  We weren't going to take yesterday off (school), since we're taking Friday off already.  And I don't give up PTO days lightly.  No way, Jose.

But with Gunnar being sick and the public schools being off for Presidents Day, we took the day off too.  Which sort of threw off my groove.  And then Gunnar was still sick today.  Poor kiddo.  We actually got quite a bit done though, considering it was pretty much couch school ;D

I know, I know, gripping stuff, right?

The good news is that Gunnar seems to be perking up.  Probably.  He seemed pretty perky last night before bed too, but was sick at 1:30 am.  Can you believe it, Mom?  At 1:30!  He has reminded me several times today.  You know, in case I'd forgotten.  I suppose that's about the time the Motrin wore off and his fever went back up.  But he's been "med-free" since lunch time and has been: #1 fever-free (at least to the uber-scientific mom-kiss-the-forehead sensor), #2 bored, and #3 a chatterbox, so I think he's on the mend.

Which is extra good because we might, we just might, get snow tonight.  Which would make tonight a lot more fun than last night.  Besides waking up repeatedly with Gunnar (being just a wee bit hyper-sensitive after the vomiting), I was also awakened by crashing thunder and hail.  Fun times.  But not a lot of sleeping.

In other news, (though also Gunnar news), he's been writing notes to Pastor Bert during church.

This cracks me up.  He's supposed to be taking notes.  All the kids do it.  It's one of the things I love about our little chapel.  The kids all take notes during the sermon, stick them on the fridge, and Pastor Bert collects them.  He'll usually acknowledge each kid from the pulpit the following Sunday.  At Gunnar's age I only expect him to get the main points.  Just two or three sentences, which he sometimes makes out to be an arduous task.  Really.

So Gunnar takes notes.  Laboriously.  But the last two Sundays something in the sermon caught his attention and off he went.  First it was the mention of preparing missionaries to serve in difficult, even hostile situations.  He wrote front and back of a 5x7 card about Don Richardson's Peace Child, which we'd just read at home.

Then last Sunday the sermon was about prayer.  Once Gunnar got the main points down, he was off and running again.  He asked me several times if words were spelled correctly.  And - if I remember right - this is what he wrote:

Pastor Bert,

There is a sign in my friend's dad's garage (is that the right grammar, Mommy?)
that says:
When man works, man works.
When man prays, God works.

Go Gunnar.


melanie said...

Ah, I love this ~ (not the puking at 1:30am) ~ but especially kids engaged in their pastor's preaching. Go Gunnar! Go Grasshoppers!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I received a text last night from my daughter (who was upstairs in bed). "Rose just threw up."

Gotta love technology.

Glad Master G is on the mend, and LOVE his note.

He's a thinker and he's going to heaven. Good job!