Monday, December 5, 2011

Grasshopper Days

Grasshopper Days

For today, December 5, 2011

Outside my window...  still dark.  Oh these short winter days!  Looks like it will be cold and clear.

I am thinking...  about Christmas gifts and shopping left to do.

I am thankful for...  a big crowd at Tuba Christmas (fun!), and both Messiah performances went well.  A couple of odd quirks, like the lights in the sanctuary all going off briefly in the middle of one of the solos (huh?) but we carried on.

I am praying for...  us, Christmas, focus amid the hustle and bustle.

I am going...  to get two boys out of bed, to get our day going.  Can you guess which two are still sleeping?

I am reading...  The Courage of Sarah Noble, and Captured! with the boys. as we talk about the relationship between the colonists and the Native Americans.

I am hoping...  to get a Christmas tree, today or tomorrow!

I am hearing...  the washer and dryer.  I often throw a load in the wash before bed, to dry in the morning, or start one in the morning when I get up.  Or, when it's been a busy weekend, both.

I am remembering...  wishing for snow, like my boys do now.

From the learning rooms...  Wyatt - experiments with water, algebra equations with exponents, reading Tom Sawyer, and the Presidents leading up to the Civil War.  Tate - has set himself a goal of getting a week ahead in his school work, so is working steadily on all his language assignments each morning.  He's also studying geology (three categories of rock - can you name them?), volume of solids, and going to write a research paper on an event in American history.  Gunnar - multiplying three-digit by two-digit numbers with carrying, working steadily on is language assignments, excited about primeval reptiles (studying aquatic Zoology this year), and - with Tate - we are reading about the Colonists and the Indians (Native Americans).

From the kitchen...  about to put a roast and some veggies in the crock pot.  Yum!

Around the house...  I scaled down some of our decorations this year.  I'd rather have less out that I really like, than everything I've ever gotten.  Lots of candles, though :D

Something I want to remember...  how determined Tate is to impress and/or please those in authority over him.  And the way Gunnar comes cheerfully to Messiah and then sleeps through the first half.

On my mind...  if I'm going to get any Christmas cards out this year, I'd better write a letter!

Noticing that...  I still have not put away the spoils of Friday's shopping expedition.  Oops.

Pondering these words...  let earth receive her king.

One of my favorite things...  how well twinkly lights, candles, and Christmas music go with a hot cup of cocoa.  Speaking of Christmas music, though, my friend Dan has re-posted some interesting thoughts on O Holy Night, a carol that never really sat right with me.  Read why, here.

A few plans for the rest of the week...  just when I thought Monday night rehearsals were done, our church is going to have a Christmas choir, so three more Monday evenings to go!  Boys have CAP on Tuesday, then I think we can coast a bit :D  But they have a bivouac this weekend.  I'm a bit boggled by that, as I'm not sure what they intend to accomplish by
camping out in December when there is a grand total
of about seven hours of daylight to work with
but they boys want to go, and I'm assuming it's SAR-related.  Crazy, though.

Here is a picture I am sharing...

About 42 tubas at Tuba Christmas!

And 70 Messiah singers, including - at the far end of the first row - a ten-year-old soprano.


melanie said...

Thanks for the link, Julie - re. O Holy Night. Very {sadly} interesting! I'll have to work on my French, so I can sing the original? ;-)

Choate Family said...

Your comment about putting the laundry in to wash at night made me smile. If I do that here, it's all stinky and sour by the morning. On the flip side, we have lots of daylight and hot sun right now to quickly dry the clothes :-)

leah said...

I love The Messiah. Love it. And a 10 year old soprano in the choir? Love it even more!

I still can't believe December is already here. Yikes!

The dB family said...

I love the book The Courage of Sarah Noble.

I went to look for you in the photo and saw you smiling at me :o). A ten year old soprano? Wow!! I LOVE Handel's Messiah! So beautiful!
