"If you women continue to demand your choice to work, you will so upset the economy of this country that the time will come when you will not have a choice. You will have to work."Helen Andelin, from Fascinating Womanhood, 1963
I don't know who she is, or what her beliefs are, but an interesting thought. Yah?
You're right - VERY interesting!!
Interesting quote, but I don't really feel good about that book. I read it a few years ago. It's written from a Mormon perspective. I found it to be rather formulaic or maybe full of behavior modification applications. It also seemed to me to be a kind of handbook to manipulation - dress this way, walk this way, do this, don't do that and your man will fall in line. Interesting reading if you have the time and a critical eye, though.
Thanks, Sara.
I have not read her book and I'm not familiar with her outlook. Just saw the quote somewhere and found it thought-provoking.
You mean I'm not working? (just kidding) The economy is a little different than it was back then. I am so thankful we can afford (sort of) to have me stay at home.
Have never seen the quote before nor heard of the book or authour. I would have to say though that her prediction has pretty much come true. Many women are "enslaved" to working just to pay mortagaes, food etc and many heads of hous holds (men) find it hard to get decent full time employment that could support a family. Something just not right in the balance of things . (Speaking from my Aussie experience here)
Very interesting indeed!!!! Are we there yet? Very close I think....
Interesting quote indeed! I think Ruby has it quite right. At least in some parts/circles of Canada too.
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