Monday, April 19, 2010

Simple Woman #58

For Today...   April 19, 2010

Outside my window...   sunny skies, blooming apple trees, chirping birds, and (the bane of my husband's existence) dandelions - little spots of sunshine in the yard.

I am thinking...  what a whirlwind of a week and weekend we've had - Tate in and out of the hospital, Kerry out of town for the weekend, the new rabbit, schoolwork, et.

I am thankful for...   family and friends who jump right in to help and pray, warmer weather for the kids to play outside, and modern medicine.

I am praying for...   Tate's continued recovery - going well.

I am wearing...   jeans, T-shirt.  A fashionista I will never be.

I am creating...  my usual : order from chaos.

I am going...   hoping to be home today, as we have a bit of running around to do tomorrow.

I am reading...   It's All Too Much, by Peter Walsh.  Loving it.  Again.

I am hoping...   work for Kerry.

I am hearing...   the boys chattering as they draw, birds outside, and tappety-tappety-tappety.

From the learning rooms...   a pile, yes a pile, of work awaiting us...

From the kitchen...   The dishwasher is cleaning up yesterday's mess and I have absolutely no idea about dinner tonight.

Around the house...   our attention has been focused outside, more than in, the last couple of days :o)

On my mind...   getting some appointments lined up for Tate... follow-ups.

Noticing that...   even at the ages the boys are now (8, 11, and 13) they still seem to fall apart behaviorally when they get hungry... like in the morning, before breakfast.  Ugh.

Pondering these words...   No success in life can compensate for failure at home.

One of my favorite things...   crossing things off my list.

A few plans for the rest of the week...   catching up on school-work (we missed two days last week), soccer, piano lesson, soccer, doctor appointment, soccer, AWANA, soccer... yeah.  That's about what it looks like.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing...  

Of all the bulbs I have planted, this is the only one the deer have allowed to remain.
Every morning I look out the window, expecting it to be gone -
eaten down to the nub -
but it's still here :o)


Felicity said...

That pile of books looks interesting!! It sounds so interesting to have deer eating your flowers, though I'm sure it's not much fun for you!! Have a good week!

Tina Marie said...

One surviving tulip!! YAY!

My mom planted tulips in Connecticut, and came out to find them bloomless. Just little stems poking out of the ground. Apparently they are delicacy in the world of venison...I mean deer.

leah said...

You have a busy week ahead! I am learning about the hungry=bad behavior thing. Matt seems to be hungry a LOT recently, and he spirals out of control until I remember to "feed the monster," lol!

I wish I had some tips about deer eating flowers. They eat my stargazers every. single. year.

They won't eat daffodils because they're toxic, though!

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Those ding-dang deer are just scavengers! They eat everything pretty.

I've heard that different things will repel them, but haven't got anything working yet. The next to try:

human hair.

Okay, the boys need a summer buzz soon, so I'll scatter some clippings around.

But I'm not holding my breath.

Unfortunately we're in the city limits and can't hunt them here.
