Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Simple Woman #66

For today...  June 30, 2010

Outside my window...  the boys, playing Dino-opolis, a wet driveway (because I hosed it clean), our picnic table, which I uncovered and moved out while cleaning out the shed.

I am thinking...  of a grocery list, and whether I can hang the laundry on the line or is it going to rain,
and it looks like rain.

I know.  Deep thoughts, people.

I am thankful for...  the trip to Children's yesterday, that Tate's HA will soon be fixed, that the boys mostly cooperated graciously with cleaning out the van AND the shed.

Because I got more.  Projects, that is.

And Kerry has some work today :D

I am praying for...  my friend, Kimberly.

I am wearing...  grubby clothes, after working outside.  Need a shower and a change.

I am creaing...  ahhhhh.  Space.  Cleanliness.  Order.
Room to work and think.

I am going...  to take the boys to Grampa and Gramma Grasshopper's tonight,
for dinner and a movie, to celebrate - again - how well they've done in homeschool
this year.  I just got their test scores back.  :D

I am reading...  La's Orchestra Saves the World, by Alexander McCall Smith.

I am hoping...  for sanity and calmness to prevail.  Not always a sure thing in this house.

And that the pile of stuff in the front yard, next to the "Free" sign, all disappears.

I am hearing...  the dryer tumbling, but no noise from the boys.  I hope they're reading.

I am remembering...  the list.  The Mother Load.

From the learning rooms...  no official school of any kind this week.  But the caterpillars are making cocoons and need to be moved into the butterfly house.

From the kitchen...  chicken marinating to grill tonight, along with corn on the cob, and maybe - if I can find fresh and local - raspberry pie.

Around the house...  detritus.  Neglected the inside to work outside today.

On my mind...  so much to do!  It whirls and swirls around in my mind.  Window screens need washing.  Records from Tate's hospital stay last September need to be retrieved.  Our camping disability discount card needs to be found or replaced.

It's a thrill a minute over here.

Noticing that...   I get suspicious if the house is too quiet...

One of my favorite things...  bringing order from chaos.

A few plans for the rest of the week...  little party tonight, and then looking forward to 4th of July.

Here is a picture I am sharing...


The dB family said...

Once you create order from chaos, will you please please come to my place. I just cannot seem to get it together. We always have an interruption of some sort.

Camping out in the family room means it can rain all it wants. Looks like fun!


Ruby said...

I love the patriotism of the Americans!!! You don't see too many flags flying outside Aussie houses (a couple of my family have them) but even more rare to see one inside! Good for you.

Felicity said...

Ah, someone else who has cleaned out the shed! I did it on Monday, but it doesn't look much better, despite the huge amount of extra stuff in the refuse bins!
I love the photo, so much fun to sleep in sleeping bags in the lounge! My kids like to do that in each others' rooms.
sounds like you've got a full, but happy week. Have fun!

leah said...

This is when I am thankful we do not have a shed. We do have a basement, however, and that needs to be cleaned out- not a job I look forward to!

Have a fun, clean, and happy weekend!