FOR TODAY May 11, 2009
Outside My Window... Clouds, wind, rain, and my dogwood trees just starting to bloom.
I am thinking... Three more weeks of "official" homeschool...
I am thankful for... both my parents. Of course, with Mother's Day yesterday, I've been thinking about my wonderful mom :0), but with my Dad's unexpected visit to the hospital last week I've been thinking a lot about him too. I have a lot to be thankful for :0)
Not the least of which is that this Mother's Day was a bit calmer than last year's.
From the learning rooms... the boys are having "recess", which means they're outside practicing for a three-legged race. That is, Wyatt and Tate will be in the race. Gunnar is running along behind them "encouraging".
From the kitchen... nothing yet. I'm thinking leftovers for lunch (rice and bean burritos), and Chicken and Rice for dinner.
I am wearing... *sigh* jeans and a sweater.
I am creating... plans, plans, plans! We're winding down our "official" school year and I'm excited to plan for next year and to strategize about this summer.
I am going... to gather the boys and start our history reading, to remember to pray for two friends in the process of adopting, to thaw out another turkey, and to encourage the boys to finish well (the school year).
And now, Sir Walter Raleigh and the Lost Colony of Roanoke Island.
I am reading... poking along through "What He Must Be". It takes a lot longer to read a book with Kerry. Okay, *pause*, I'm not saying that he's slow, just that it's harder to find time to read together.
I am hoping... to have great inspiration for summer activities. That don't cost anything.
And to finish our memorization goals.
Well, you can laugh if you want. I aimed a little high. I was hoping we'd memorize Philippians.
The whole book.
Not so much. But we've memorized the first chapter. (A little shaky in the second-to-last paragraph.) And now that we're studying astronomy I thought we'd finish off the year by memorizing Psalm 19. That's going a lot faster, probably due it being poetic.
I am hearing... some sort of battle from the boys' room, along with requests for lunch. (I'd better wrap this up...)
Around the house... I'm enjoying my new curtains. Still no pics - I'm waiting for the right light. Piles of laundry, and it's too wet to dry it outside. The deer ate every one of my tulips. And I need to balance my checkbook.
It's a Monday.
One of my favorite things... Hand-made Mothers' Day cards from the boys. Priceless. I'll ask Kerry to scan them in :0)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Wyatt's piano lesson, Tate's sign language class, Gunnar's AWANA Awards Ceremony, and ???
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
The white dogwood - taken by Wyatt
We're down to the three week mark too, but I have very few layed out plans yet for next year. Eeek! I usually have all my new curriculum ordered and delivered by now.
heh heh. I chuckled at the clarification that Kerry is not slow. Honest to goodness, it didn't cross my mind that you might mean that. To set your mind at ease... ;-)
And thank you so much for all your prayers and excitement for us. Your friendship and support are absolutely treasured!
I love Dogwoods. We had one in our backyard in Atlanta when I was a little boy. Wyatt's picture is beautiful and brings back memories.
Deborah - I only have a couple things to order and I think I'll wait until after the annual homeschool "recycle" sale, which is early June.
Cutzi - I'm glad you didn't think Kerry was slow! I sometimes joke about him a bit on the blog (and I've usually asked him first) but didn't want to give the impression that I was being critical.
Mr. Squirrel - the dogwoods are gorgeous, and ours were probably planted by my grandparents, so I doubly appreciate them.
In regards to the stitched photo, ha ha ha, our kids are too smart. And again, you have such a nice view!
We are down to three weeks to go as well. Oh, I really need a kick in the pants, too. I've got Spring Fever and it's Baaa-haaa-haaa-HAD! I too am just waiting to be done and want to get going on next year's plans and summer plans. Sigh...almost there...
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