Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Oh, I am feeling so very good.

Didn't I say that I look at September as a new beginning?

I have just created and printed out my "chore manifesto" for the house. Following the lead of an amazing mom of nine, I have daily, weekly, and monthly expectations for the various areas of the house. And if I get really ambitious, I'll color-code them, and post them room by room.

Want an example?

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Colossians 3:23

Bathroom - Weekly

* Clean exterior of toilet with windex and paper towels - all around the tank, the handle, top and bottom of lid, top and bottom of seat, sides and front of bowl, and the base.
Clean toilet bowl with Lysol and brush
* Clean the floor on both sides and behind the toilet with paper towels and windex

* Move things off the counter
Use windex and a clean rag to:
* Wipe toothbrush holder, cup dispenser, and soap dispenser
* Wipe mirror
* Wipe counter and dry
* Clean faucet and sink, pay attention to the gunk in the drain
* Dry with a clean rag

* Empty trash
* Wipe switchplates, outlets and doorknobs with disinfecting wipes
* Towels and mats to the laundry hamper
* Wipe the trash can with the wipes from the doorknobs, etc.

* Sweep the floor and wipe with a damp rag

* Rags
* Paper towels
* Windex
* Lysol (toilet bowl cleaner)
* Toilet brush
* Little brush for sink and drain
* Disinfecting wipes

Thank you!

Well, isn't that just perfect, now?

Of course, there's still one minor little detail...
... getting the boys to DO it all.

I'll think about that tomorrow.


leah said...

Actually, I love that! It is so specific. Matt has some chores now, but I don't have a chart or anything for them. I probably should make something up. Both boys have to clean up their toys, and Matt empties the silverware from the dishwasher and puts his dirty clothes in the laundry basket. I'm thinking of making something with icons that can be moved when they are done. I'm still thinking on that one, though!

Herding Grasshoppers said...

I had all kinds of "systems" when the kids were littler, often involving filling in boxes with stickers or something like that. Moving little icons is a great idea - very visual :0)

Just picking up after themselves is a wonderful accomplishment!


Anonymous said...

When your boys are done with your bathroom could ya send them to Virginia - all we have in this house are 2 jrts and an old, grumpy mixed chihuahua (female!)? The system has potential - looks like a lot of work tho!:^I