Monday, August 17, 2009

The Big Reveal

Trip pics are still to come, but in the meantime...

Wyatt's actual birthday was a month ago, but he decided to postpone his family celebration until we were all together at the Oregon Coast. Which was a good thing, because Aunt Tami and Uncle Dave had cooked up a big surprise for him.

Well, Wyatt, you've just turned 13. What are you gonna do next?

That's right, you're going to...........


Along with Aunt Tami and Uncle Dave...

... in November.

Which is why it was a good thing that we celebrated his birthday a month late, because now it's only 82 days until the trip :0)

Tate and Gunnar are being very gracious about Wyatt's privilege, although Gunnar has repeatedly given me long, mournful sighs, and laments about how loooooooooong the next five years are going to be... until he turns 13.


leah said...

Oh, how fun! I love going to Disneyand. Happy Birthday to Wyatt! And here's to a fast 5 years for Gunnar (from his point of view) and a slow five years for you (so that your baby doesn't grow up too quickly)!

The dB family said...

Hooray!! What fun Wyatt will have! His poor brothers who will have to wait. *Sigh!* Life just isn't fair :0)!

P.S. Welcome home!

Colleen said...

Oh, my good grief! Talk about a cool aunt and uncle! My guys would be in seventh heaven. Can I just say again that I rilly, rilly want to co-opt your family? I promise I won't talk politics in the process. :-D