Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh Good Grief

I write down everything I want to remember.  That way, instead of spending a lot of time trying to remember what it is I wrote down, I spend the time looking for the paper I wrote it down on.    Beryl Pfizer
It's been an interesting weekend.  The boys have been outside a lot last week, because the weather was so warm.  They've revived Dino-opolis, the alternate universe they created in the back yard.  It grew so huge last summer, what with the expansion into "Some-area" and all the crazy, bright orange "tram lines" from the tree by the driveway (ack!) that Kerry made them take it all down and pack it away for awhile.

He told the kids they needed to protect everything from the bad weather.  But we all know he was just tired of looking at it.

I kind of wondered if they'd start it back up or move on to other things, but it's making a comeback.

Then I realized something:  I'm an idiot.

None of us can remember how to log on to their Dino-opolis blog.

They even got correspondence from their "brother city" - Dinoville.  And we can't load it onto the blog.  I'm sure I wrote down the userID and the password.  Somewhere.  But where?

And, because I'm such a genius (/sarcasm), I've spent more time looking for it than it would take just to start them a new blog, and copy out the handful of posts and pictures and repost them.


But I keep hanging on, thinking I'll find the magic words.



leah said...

Argh! Doesn't blogger have a feature that will email you the password if you have forgotten it? Usually there is an option to have it sent to you via email, then you can reset the password and user name. I haven't lost my blogger log-in yet, but I have forgotten other log-ins (like youtube) and had them emailed.

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Trouble is, I outsmarted myself.

We created a brand new email account with which to start the blog, and we can't remember that either.

Blogger is very helpfully willing to email the password to the blog, to the email address I can't remember, with a password (to the email) I only ever used to initiate that email.

It was totally irrational on my part.


"I write down everything I want to remember. That way, instead of spending a lot of time trying to remember what it is I wrote down, I spend the time looking for the paper I wrote it down on."

Oh, that is SO me! At least we're not alone!