Monday, May 23, 2011

Grasshopper Days 5-23-11

Grasshopper Days

For today, May 23, 2011

Outside my window...  dogwoods finally blooming (late!) - one pink and one white, grass growing like crazy, and robins all over the yard.  Tate found some blue eggshell.

I am thinking...  three more weeks of school!  Not that I'm counting, or anything.

I am thankful for...  family, friends, our church.

I am praying for...  good results on my mom's recent tests, work for Kerry, and a friend whose husband fell from a ladder and has a brain injury.

I am wearing...  jeans, white shirt, periwinkle sweater.  Spring is trying to come, but it's only 57F.

I am creating...  working on plans for the summer and the next school year...

I am going...  for walks with Gunnar, to a baby shower on Tuesday, and to keep on plodding through our school days ;D

I am reading...  A Long Way From Chicago, by Richard Peck.  Must read this to the boys.  Hilarious.

I am hoping...  for more sunshine this week!

I am hearing...  Kerry, putting the screen door back on.

I am remembering...  family trips we took when I was little.

From the learning rooms...  the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, Reagan and Gorbachev, Chernobyl, solving equations with variables, words with pict, working with scale (maps and models), pterosaurs, journal writing, multiplying two digit numbers, and memorizing Philippians 2.  Still.

Around the house...  the Legos seem to be multiplying.

On my mind... there always seems to be more to do than there is time to do it.

Noticing that...  well, it's the end of an era.  Took the kids to the dentist last week and Wyatt has two cavities.  That's a first.  He is just a wee bit nervous about the whole drill-in-your-mouth thing.  The dentist picked right up on that and told me they'll give him nitrous oxide.  The possibilities for black mail are churning in my mind ;D

Pondering these words...  
Grandma saved herself a lot of bother by not being the kind of person you question.
from A Long Way from Chicago, by Richard Peck.

One of my favorite things...  good stories.

A few plans for the rest of the week...  schooling, baby shower, and the usual round of parenting and housework.  Ordinary life.

Here is a picture I am sharing...
On one of our walks we saw some garbage that had blown into the brush and Tate climbed over some sticker bushes to retrieve it.  He stopped when he realized that a bird had woven it into her nest.  Very clever waterproofing?


Felicity said...

A very clever bird!

I hope the last few weeks of your school year goes by pleasantly, so that you can enjoy your summer vacation!

melanie said...

Yay for flowering trees... when they flower =) And another book for my library list ~ thanks! Enjoy your week!

leah said...

What is it with Legos? They seem to violate a law of physics - how such a small container of tiny blocks can cover an entire family room floor, I'll never know.

My dogwood is in bloom, too. I absolutely love them - the flowers look like butterflies perched on the branches. Spring is just so wonderful!

The Hibbard Family said...

Definitely nice to know we're not the only ones still in Phil 2! :-)