Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tahoma Creek

Hmmmm. Apparently Kerry didn't get any close-ups of Wyatt while we were hiking. Probably due to the fact that Wyatt is in perpetual motion, and often ranging ahead or above the rest of us... not far, not making me worried, just seeing where he can get.

He loved crossing the snow fields, and would climb up to the top and "ski" down on his shoes.

He's the blue spot in this picture. :0)

Gunnar was much happier to stay right next to me. (See the earlier post called Taking Care of Mom?)

He enjoyed the hike, and liked climbing over all these boulders that were washed down Tahoma Creek in previous cycles of flooding.

Tate, being Tate, caught this frog along the trail. He's always catching something... animals, fortunately, and not diseases.

I think he must've caught about 30 frogs during the four days we were down by Rainier. He just likes to hold them for awhile, and then he lets them go.

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