Thursday, April 23, 2009


Swim lessons in the morning make for very hungry boys at lunch.

As they topped off their meal with enormous dough-nuts from the bakery there was some discussion about whether to eat the whole dough-nut now, or to put half in a baggie for later.

Knowing they'll be spending the next two nights with my parents, Tate encouraged his brothers to follow his omnivorous example and eat the whole thing, because...

"If I know Grandma... and I think I do... she'll have some kind of treat for us tonight!"

He's got her number.


The dB family said...

Aren't grandparents the best?!?! Ours are with my husband's parents while we're in Toronto. Gramma's treat for them was that their kitty has two brand new kittens. She was going to keep them in the house (not something ever done when my hubby was growing up)so the kids can enjoy them.

What did all the boys make while in the garage?

leah said...

LOL- gotta love Grandma's house! My boys both have t-shirts that read: "I'm going to my happy place: Grandma's house!"

I only wish our Grandmas lived closer, lol.

I'm with Tate- eat the whole donut. Grandmas always have treats!