Simple Woman
FOR TODAY June 8, 2009Outside My Window... leaves. The trees are almost all leafed out - looks like summer! The boys are playing in the dirt - where else? And a breeze is blowing my laundry dry.
I am thinking... that last week was great, but I'm looking forward to a quieter week ahead. We just finished our testing today - hurray! Now we start on "Summer Projects" - heh heh heh.
I am thankful for... finishing testing, good times with our friends this week, and some jobs for Kerry - a neighbor's remodel, a sewage treatment plant (fun times, people!), and - I think it's a go - a small library.
From the learning rooms... I'm cleaning. Took all of last year's projects off the walls and into "portfolios" (doesn't that sound fancy? folders, okay?), cleaning the white board, table and chairs, dusting, (ick), and shuffling books we're done with and books we'll be using, and marking all the little science projects I want to do over the summer.
From the kitchen... a dismal mess, only somewhat related to all the company we've had over the week. (Not their fault, I just wait until they all leave and then I clean.) I think my floor was blue, but I'll have to check.
I am wearing... t-shirt, capri pants, crocs. Sunny today, but cool and breezy.
I am creating... well, a mess, really. But it's all part of the process, I tell myself.
I am going... to meet a friend from out of town at a park this evening. And, with Kerry in Seattle visiting old classmates, I may just take the kids and myself out to dinner first :0)
I am reading... just starting the next book for bookclub - Tom Sawyer. Actually, I've read it several times, but probably not in 20 years.
I am hoping... the boys will have good attitudes about cooperating with my summer plans :0)
I am praying... thanking God for WORK, for our friends' adopted baby's arrival, and for finishing this school year; and praying for other friends that are in the process of adopting and at a difficult stage of waiting, for continued work to come in, and for peace in the house - with less school structure this is sometimes more of a challenge.
I am hearing... the boys playing outside, the breeze rustling the leaves, and the washer finishing the next load.
Around the house... the table needs a leaf taken out, the living room needs to be vacuumed, the kitchen floor needs to be
One of my favorite things... finishing things. Just about anything, really. Except chocolate, because then it's gone.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Really, very little. And I'm happy about that.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
This is from a couple weeks ago. Tate looks "blown", but I think they were just both concentrating, and utterly determined.
What a great picture of the boys!
I really need to get a book to read (other than Goodnight Moon, that is)! Maybe I'll go and check out Tom Sawyer from the library!
I'm so glad to hear that Kerry has some work! I've been keeping you in my prayers.
I skipped over to your adoptive friend's blog too. Xo Xo os beautiful!! She brought tears to my eyes!
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