FOR TODAY October 5, 2009
Outside My Window... a perfect fall day. The sun shines, the air smells fresh and crisp, apples glow red on the trees the way we all drew them in first grade :0), and the squirrels are busy, busy, busy.
I am thinking... Once again I'm juggling the week's schedule. We took the morning "off" to go on a Field Trip at the Fire Station. Good decision.
And Kerry wants to take Wednesday off to go on a hike, since the weather is so perfect. Really good decision.
Yes. That's one reason we're homeschooling. So we can just up and do that.
I am thankful for... Flexibility :o) Also, the boys behaved wonderfully at the Fire Station this morning, (asked appropriate questions, remembered not to blurt, let little kids stand in front, etc.) and Gunnar volunteered to be the "victim" as they demonstrated how they loaded people onto the stretcher and in and out of the ambulance.
Oh my. He was thrilled.
I am praying for… my brother is having a job interview tomorrow.
From the learning rooms...writing "thank you's" to the fire fighters, and doing tomorrow's math. So we can do Wednesday's math on Tuesday, and go hiking on Wednesday :0)
From the kitchen... Ummm... probably toasted bagels and soup for dinner.
I am wearing... blue jeans, blue shirt, blue sweater, blue fuzzy socks... see a pattern? Blue is my "happy color".
I am reading... about Vikings with the boys. LOVE IT.
I am hoping... the beautiful fall weather holds as long as possible!
I am hearing... temporary silence; the boys are working. But it can't last.
Around the house... fall decorations, unusual gourds the boys have collected, little pumpkins, and (I've been waiting for this since August) a pumpkin spice candle... mmm, mmmm.
I am remembering... ironing fall leaves between sheets of wax paper. May have to do that with the boys. And it's time to collect spider webs.
On my mind... balancing structure with flexibility in our homeschool days.
Noticing that... my goodness the boys are growing. Wyatt has gained almost 10 pounds since the end of July! (I only say that because it's something he's proud of, being such an extremely skinny guy.) Tate has grown taller. And Gunnar has grown all around. In fact, jeans that Wyatt was wearing last winter and has grown out of don't fit Gunnar. We just took a load to the consignment store!
Pondering these words... "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next." Abraham Lincoln
One of my favorite things... Autumn. The leaves, the smells, the crispness in the air. Apple cider. Pumpkin pie. The whole thing.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: the usual round of soccer practices, piano lessons, AWANA, and soccer games. And a PTO Day on Friday.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
No, I didn't take it. But I love it.
Oh, I love fall! We've eaten 3 apple pies in 2 weeks (I think I've gained ten pounds, too)! The fire station and hike sound great- get outside while the weather still cooperates!
I need to go out and buy a pumpkin spice candle- that sounds really wonderful right now!
Your week is looking good! Especially hiking. I'll try to think of you on Wednesday.
I appreciate that Abe Quote. I trust it is true with this generation producing so many more kids in christian families being home educated.
Love the picture thought!
Spring to me rather than Autumn.
LOVE the picture thought! SOOOO pretty! I always enjoy your daybook; thanks for sharing it! I too, love the flexibility of homeschooling...and a hike sounds great for this week! Enjoy your busy, full week!
I stopped by because our title- herding grasshoppers made me laugh so hard!!! I love it!!! I also found it interesting that we went to the fire station yesterday as well for school:)
Enjoy your hike, I appreciate the flexibility of homeschooling as well and the things in life that can be learned from creation!
I enjoyed my stop by and look forward to coming back!
quilt-n-mama. blogspot. com
The image of Gunnar on the strecher grinning from ear to ear made me smile. Glad you had fun! :)
I can't believe that not one of us brought a camera.
I love fall too for the very same reasons and I hope it stays really long!
How do you collect spider webs? Or are you referring to the ones I have growing in all the corners of my house. I'm great at collecting those kinds! :oP
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